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Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Dr. Lecter is loose? Roaming around Italy? It will get ugly soon. 
10 years after the events from when he escapes, we find Dr. Lecter ( Hannibal ) loose in Italy where he is trying to be owner or manager of a huge Library or Church. Clarice Starling is now on the head of the FBI force, and has been on a leave due to a shoot out that turned ugly. An FBI agent in Italy learns of Lecters whereabout's and see's the pretty nice reward for his capture. Chief Inspector Renaldo Pazzi (Italy agent) goes to pursue Hannibal. While back in the US, Mason Verger is also on the hunt for Hannibal as a revenge scheme, to see Hannibal tortured and killed. Now Agent Starling is on the hunt for Hannibal to. Time is running out to see who will get him first.

This sequel was almost a disappointment. We did get to see Hannibal doing his very nasty Cannibal side. Kind of sick, but now we get to see more of what he is.  Unfortunately Jodi Foster does not return to play her old role, which was a let down. Instead we have,  Julianne Moore as Starling. She is a good actress, don't get me wrong, but to me, she wasn't the right fit for the role of, Starling. 

Sequel comes with more gruesome scenes?  Yes it does, alot more. We see really big hogs tear apart a few people in the end, with Hannibal cutting off an agents top of skull and picking out some of the brain and feeding it to the victim, who is still alive! Pretty twisted and sick. The sickest being the very end scene, but, that's to much of a spoiler. 

This is worthy of being a good sequel, but it did lack in more than one place. Oh well. You may still very much like it if your a fan of Hannibal Cannibal Lecter. 

I give Hannibal, 7/10

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