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Friday, May 20, 2011

The Kids Are All Right

The Kids Are All Right is about, two kids with two moms, both kids are sperm donor kids, the son wants to meet the guy who donated, the sister (after doing some digging) found the form and got his number. Laser (the son) Joni (daughter) meet up Paul and ask questions and get to know each other. Paul soon meets the lesbian parents Nic, and Jules. After meeting them, the family starts to completely fall apart and a ton of drama starts to happen. 

Well, where do I start? This movie had good actors, that played there part pretty good. The story was pretty good as well. I loved how slowly, after meeting Paul, the family just starting falling apart, really showed how good the movie is. 

I liked the actors they chose to play the parts, just happy there not unknown actors, well, only like 2 people in the movie were, but they didn't have big parts. 

If you like this type of movie, with good actors and a pretty solid storyline, then this movie is for you.

I give The Kids Are All Right, 7/10

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