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Saturday, May 21, 2011


Frank is a retired Black Ops CIA agent, who's been talking to a girl on the phone for I'm guess months, as almost like a fantasy, they soon decide to meet each other, only because Frank found out his calls were being bugged and he doesn't know why. Frank and Sarah meet for the first time in a pretty weird situation, Frank is off to find answers, where he meets up with his old pal's, Marvin, Joe, and Victoria who all worked together at some point, they all find that It's not the CIA tracking them down, it's, Vice President, who gave them all RED status, "Retired, Extremely Dangerous". 

Well, this wasn't that bad of a movie, just kind of slow, through out the whole movie, there was some funny bits here and there, and some pretty cool explosions and what not, but, it was only in a few scenes. The movie is basically the team trying to find out who wants them dead, which kind of got boring. 
When it was time for humor, it was pretty funny. Then when it was time for action, there was alot of bullets flying at explosions to satisfy, but only for the few minutes it went on for. Other than that, it fell a little flat.
The acting was good though, John Malkovich's character was my favorite, for being kind of crazy but great shot with a gun. The cast they chose was pretty good, they include
Bruce Willis ( Frank Moses )
Mary-Louise Parker  (Sarah) 
 Morgan Freeman (Joe Matheson)
 John Malkovich (Marvin Boggs)
 Helen Mirren (Victoria)
 Karl Urban (William Cooper)

That's only the main characters in the movie, there are a few extra's I didn't mention, cause well, you should just see the movie if you wan't to see them all. Soundtrack of the movie wasn't that bad, just sounded like your generic action movie music, nothing real special about it. 

I give, RED, 6/10

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