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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Hills Run Red

So it's about time I do another Horror movie, and well, It's awesome.
Tyler, who is very much a movie buff, finds online a movie from the 70's, which is a horror movie, after finding out that the movie never was finished or released due to its graphic nature, he sets out with a few of his friends to go and steal a copy of the film, after going to the middle of nowhere (of course) he and his friends soon find that, there the next chapter in the movie. Now they have to survive. Once they get there, they soon meet some kind of person, ( much like what they did with Jason and Micheal Myers) who is the lead killer in the movie, who is kind of creepy looking, but to me, more like awesome looking!
I found that this movie was awesome, the acting could of been better, but I loved the story, I found it to be very much unique. The only downside is, I only saw a couple actors that I knew from other works, which is fine, but the rest of the cast (to me) are unknowns. 
There is a TON of gore in this movie, well that is when they get to this farm. The kill scenes were just awesome, you get to see someone get split in half. I thought that was just epic seeing it. 
I first rented this movie cause I wanted a horror movie to watch, and it more than satisfied me. Sure the first like 10mintues were kind of slow, but after that, the movie just picks up and is a very good Horror B-movie, yes, B movie. Not a big A movie, but it's still very good.
I give The Hills Run Red a perfect, 8/10

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